This page provides a record of BLSA’s awards and achievements in recent years, as well as BLSA's operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In February 2021, Tiffany Mickel became the first Black woman to be elected editor-in-chief of the Virginia Law Review. On her achievement, Mickel said:
“I am not only honored to contribute to a legal publication with such a rich history of advancing groundbreaking legal theories, but also extremely grateful to stand on the shoulders of the women and people of color who came before me.”
Beginning in 2018, UVA BLSA honors its alumni through the Alumni Spotlight Award. The award recognizes alumni who exhibit a commitment to engaging with and serving the Black community.
Despite the unprecedented nature of the 2021-2020 academic year, BLSA hosted a series of virtual events for its members, its alumni/ae, and the UVA Law community.
Keith Morgan '88 (pictured, FCC) and Aida Fitzgerald '13 (Legal Aid Society) shared their experiences in public service careers.
At BLSA's annual student-faculty reception in 2020, twenty professors got to know BLSA members through icebreakers and small breakout rooms.
BLSA hosted a conversation with Ryan Snow, and Professors Bertrall Ross, Mike Gilbert, and Forde-Mazrui on contemporary issues in election law.
Each year, UVA BLSA members mentor students in UBLSA (Undergraduate BLSA). In 2020, BLSA members met UBLSA students virtually.
Jennifer McClellan ’97, a BLSA alum, discussed her perspective as a Black woman legislator, the policymaking process, and the current priorities of the general assembly.
VA Supreme Court Judge Cleo Powell '82 (pictured), VA Court of Appeals Judge Mary Malveaux, Hampton Circuit Court Judge Bonnie L. Jones, and Norfolk General District Court Judge Tasha D. Scott shared stories from their historic careers with the Law community.
Each year, MABLSA and NBLSA each select one “Chapter of the Year” from the various BLSA chapter size categories (in 2020, UVA BLSA was considered a large-sized chapter). Awardees are selected on the variety and creativity of their chapter’s programming, exemplified in part by an annual scrapbook. As of February 2021, UVA BLSA has won NBLSA “Chapter of the Year” six times, and MABLSA "Chapter of the Year" seven times.
Chapter of the Year, Mid-Atlantic Region; 2021
Chapter of the Year, NBLSA; 2020
Chapter of the Year, Mid-Atlantic Region; 2020
Chapter of the Year, NBLSA; 2018
Chapter of the Year, Mid-Atlantic Region; 2018
Chapter of the Year, NBLSA; 2017
Chapter of the Year, Mid-Atlantic region; 2017
UVA’s Graduate Student CIO (Contracted Independent Organization) of the Year; 2009-2010
Chapter of the Year, NBLSA; 2007
Chapter of the Year, Mid-Atlantic region; 2007
Chapter of the Year, NBLSA; 2003
Chapter of the Year, Mid-Atlantic region; 2003
Chapter of the Year, NBLSA; 2002
Chapter of the Year, Mid-Atlantic region; 2002
Each year, NBLSA elects a new cohort of executive board members from the 200+ BLSA chapters across the U.S. UVA BLSA members have consistently held leadership positions at the national level.
Rachel Barnes ’21; Chair, 2020-2021; Vice-Chair, 2019-2020
Marwa Abdelaziz ’19; Vice-Chair, 2018-2019
Derek Keaton ’19; Treasurer, 2018-2019
Kimberly Delk ’19; Attorney General, 2018-2019
Charis Redmond ’17; Vice-Chair, 2016-2017; Programming Specialist, 2015-2016
Josephine Biemkpa '16; Director of Membership, 2015-2016
Renee Manson '16; Director of Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition, 2015-2016
Danielle Stokes '16; Moot Court Specialist, 2015-2016
Melinda Hightower ’11; Chair, 2010-2011
Jeree Harris ’11; Director of Programming, 2010-2011
Kara Akins ’11; Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition, 2010-2011
Elisabeth Epps ’11; Chief of Staff, 2010-2011
Chioma Chukwu ’11, Mock Trial Specialist, 2010-2011
Melinda Hightower ’11; Vice-Chair, 2009-2010
Jennifer Jessie '09; Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition, 2008-2009
Mia Ellis '09; Assistant Director of the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition, 2008-2009
Levi Christian Pearson '09; Director of Communications, 2008-2009
Dana Weekes '09; Elections Chair, 2008-2009
L. Jared Boyd ’08; Attorney General, 2007-2008
Raqiyyah Pippins ’06; Chair, 2005-2006
Michael Ross ’85; Chair, 1984-1985
NBLSA is split into six regions: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southern, Mid-West, Southwest, and Western. Along with UVA Law, the Mid-Atlantic BLSA region (MABLSA) includes the College of William and Mary School of Law, Howard University School of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, among others. Each region has its own executive board made up of elected members.
Nevah Jones '22; Director of Programming, 2020-2021
Marwa Abdelaziz ’19; Chair, 2017-2018
Kimberly Delk ’19; Attorney General, 2017-2018
Kelly Booker ’07; Regional Director, 2004-2005
Raqiyyah Pippins ’06; Regional Director, 2003-2004
George P. Braxton '91; Regional Director, 1990-1991
NBLSA holds three competitions each spring at the national convention: the Thurgood Marshall Moot Court Competition, the Constance Baker Motley Mock Trial Competition, and the Nelson Mandela International Negotiations Competition. The Moot Court and Mock Trial competitions are also held at the regional level. UVA BLSA members consistently place in each competition.
Lydia Mills '23; Best Advocate in Mock Trial, Mid-Atlantic Region, 2021
Jordan LaPointe ’22 and Melissa Privette ’22; Best Respondent Brief, Mid-Atlantic Thurgood Marshall Moot Court, 2020 [Pictured above]
Subulola Akere ’19; Best Negotiator of the Second Preliminary Round, Nelson Mandela International Negotiation Competition, 2017
Kierstin Fowler ’17 and Jasmine Alves ’19; Second Runners-up, Mid-Atlantic Thurgood Marshall Moot Court, 2017
Stephen Anthony ’09, Saira Karim ’08, Erin Crowgey ’08, and Jordan McKay ’08; Winners, National Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition, 2009
Melinda Hightower ’11 and Kurt Davis ’09; Runners-up, Nelson Mandela International Negotiations Competition, 2009
Karla Hardy ’10; First Runner-up Best Advocate, National Constance Baker Motley Mock Trial, 2009
Ray McKenzie ’08; Best Advocate, Mid-Atlantic Constance Baker Motley Mock Trial competition, 2007
BLSA Moot Court Team; First Place Winners, Mid-Atlantic Thurgood Marshall Moot Court, 2007
Archie Alston II ’07, Vida Harvey ’07, Teah Frederick ’07 and Candace Glover ’07; Second Place Winners, Mid-Atlantic Constance Baker Mock Trial, 2005
See a name missing from these lists? Please contact Law Special Collections here.