Eli Jones

What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?

Being able to act as an advocate for racial justice in the halls of the law school was immensely rewarding. Through my position with BLSA, I had opportunities to present realities to our peers they otherwise might be able to avoid at a place like UVA.

What challenges did you face as a member of the BLSA Executive Board?

I think we all faced challenges of pushing for change in an institution that prides itself on tradition, but thanks to my fellow BLSA members I was able to persist in what my role was.

How did your participation in the BLSA Executive Board shape you as a Black professional?

I’ve been reminded of the need and importance of constant advocacy for marginalized folks. I think knowing that progress without justice means nothing in the grand scheme of things is something that’s going to greatly impact my career going forward.