Natasha Halloran

What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?

The most rewarding part of being on the exec board was working alongside such inspiring and devoted leaders. Last year, we put on over 70 events and advocated to make the law school a more inclusive and diverse place. I drafted and interviewed for the National Chapter of the Year award, which we won, and that reflective moment was priceless. From the pro bono service trip in South Africa to spearheading having MLK day off, our board and members were truly agents of change.

How did your participation in the BLSA Executive Board shape you as a Black professional?

UVA's BLSA chapter was one of the reasons why I ultimately choose Virginia Law. The network of BLSA alumni who are invested in our success was a saving grace. It is easy to fall victim to "imposter syndrome," so having student and professional mentors and events to prepare us to be confident attorneys, such as the etiquette dinner, was invaluable.