Kenneth Williams
What’s your fondest BLSA memory?
The many stimulating conversations.
What does BLSA mean to you?
It was important in helping me not feel so isolated in a small predominately white town.
How has BLSA contributed to your personal and professional development?
BLSA was an opportunity to have intellectual conversations about the law and politics which prepared me for my career as a law professor.
Nicole Agama
What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?
Ensuring that the members had a some fun in the midst of all the stress of law school.
How did your participation in the BLSA Executive Board shape you as a Black professional?
My participation as a Board member made me understand the importance of my role in supporting other Black professionals in the law and made me witness and appreciate the strong community of support I have as I embark on my legal career.
Allison Burns
What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?
The most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board has been developing relationships with my classmates and colleagues. I have enjoyed working with and getting to know my classmates through various projects and social events. It has also been deeply rewarding to advocate for meaningful changes alongside my fellow e-board members that will benefit not only my current classmates, but also future UVA BLSA students.
Eli Jones
What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?
Being able to act as an advocate for racial justice in the halls of the law school was immensely rewarding. Through my position with BLSA, I had opportunities to present realities to our peers they otherwise might be able to avoid at a place like UVA.
Carmen Williams
What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?
The fellowship. We had an amazing board who worked collaboratively on almost every decision.
What challenges did you face as a member of the BLSA Executive Board?
As treasurer, determining how to allocate funds was difficult.
How did your participation in the BLSA Executive Board shape you as a Black professional?
The access to the incredible alumni base allowed me to form long-lasting professional relationships.
Rambert Tyree
What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?
The most rewarding part of serving on the BLSA Executive Board has been the ability to work with every facet of the board in managing the funds and helping to plan the financial component of certain events. It’s been great to be able to help construct a financial plan for some events and to work through the logistics with each member of the board to help them facilitate their strategy for putting on events that serve so many people at the law school.
Natasha Halloran
What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?
The most rewarding part of being on the exec board was working alongside such inspiring and devoted leaders. Last year, we put on over 70 events and advocated to make the law school a more inclusive and diverse place. I drafted and interviewed for the National Chapter of the Year award, which we won, and that reflective moment was priceless. From the pro bono service trip in South Africa to spearheading having MLK day off, our board and members were truly agents of change.
Lillian Childress
What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?
I immensely enjoyed working on the Board, exchanging ideas, and coming up with creative ways to execute our mission. The most rewarding part was being able to witness our chapter's growth, see our influence in real-time in our law school community, and be recognized for our diligence as National Chapter of the Year.
Najah Farley
What was the most rewarding part of being on the BLSA Executive Board?
I enjoyed being part of our meetings and getting to know other Black students. I found BLSA to be a safe space and our advocacy for Black students helped to improve the school for future generations. We also got to be chapter of the year during my time with BLSA which was really exciting.